Party Packages at Llandaff North Community Centre
Party Packages detailed below are only available at llandaff north community centre! So availability can be assured. Please complete our booking form once your date has been booked on the centres website. Once your booking form has been received we will be in touch via email to cinfirm, and collect a £25 non refundable deposit.

15x 12 Bouncy Castle and DIY disco system
bouncy Castle, soft play, didi cars and disco system £125
add sweet cart (unstocked) £15
light up number £15
balloon hoop from £65

UV Parties are also available, with our UV blacklight system.
Please be aware that for any neon/ glow party you need a completely dark room; windows and other light sources need to be covered by the use of black bags or blackout fabric/ blinds.
visit our facebook page for lots of pictures of our themed parties, all available at Llandaff North Community Centre.